Jul 28
Featured Project: Russell Investments Center
by Steeler Inc.
Light-Gauge Steel Framing in a Skyscraper?
42-Stories and Over 1,000,000 Pounds of Steeler Products Don't Tell the Full Story
The Seattle skyline is going to see some major changes over the next five years, so today's post looks at one of the more recent additions. Completed in 2006, the Russell Investments Center stands 42 stories tall and holds nearly 900,000 square feet of office space. Even though they are roughly the same height, the 2nd Ave skyscraper could fit roughly 230 Space Needle Observation Rooms in its spacious interior.
Steeler is proud to have supplied floor after floor of metal studs, steel track, slotted track, furring channels, sound resilient channel, and more. The sixth tallest building in Seattle will likely slide down the list of tallest buildings in Seattle over the next decade, but it hold a special place in the annals of Steeler.
For project photos and a full list of products used during the construction of the Russell Investments Center, visit the project gallery page.