Jan 20

Steeler Sales Conference Reinforces 2014 Focus
by Steeler Inc.
Annual Steeler Sales Conference Concludes
Our Team is Back to Work and Ready to Rock 2014 
First off, we'd like to thank our customers who were missing some of their Steeler team members for parts of the past few weeks; rest assured, they were gone for good reason. Steeler spent the past two weekends hosting its annual internal sales conference in Newark and Seattle. The itinerary included some great presentations from key vendors and an open discussion of the goals and aspirations for Steeler in 2014. Steeler, Inc. celebrates 40 years of business this April, but we're not focused on the past. Of the many takeaways this year's Steeler Sales Conference yielded, the most important one might be the confirmation that our people are motivated, forward-thinking, and experienced, a unique and promising combination in our industry.
It's an exciting time to be at Steeler. We've come a long way from our start almost 40 years ago, but we never rest on our history. We're thinking about tomorrow while the others catch-up with yesterday.